February Is National Children's Dental Health Month!

National Children's Dental Health Month is celebrated every February to raise awareness about the importance of children’s oral health. Healthy oral care habits set the foundation for children to carry into their teens and adult years. People’s Center Dental Director, Dr. Helen Kim, has shared some recommendations to achieve and maintain your child’s dental health.

Early dental visit: Parents should bring their children to their first dentist visit by their first birthday or when their first tooth erupts. When a child has a great first dental experience prior to their first dentist appointment, can set the stage for a great fun future of dental visits. Parents with positive attitudes and encouragement before the dentist visit can help their child’s experience calmer and gain confidence.

Healthy diet: Practicing a healthy diet and lifestyle as a whole family makes it easy for kids to enjoy healthy foods and develop a healthy lifestyle. Some things to consider that impact dental health of your children:

  • Letting younger children go to bed with a bottle increases the risk of cavities greatly. Instead of milk in the bottle, try weaning off slowly by adding water.

  • High sugar diets such as juice, flavored milk, soda, fruit snack, or cookies do not have much nutritional value but cause a child’s mouth to be cavity prone. Instead of juice, give child whole fruits or vegetables.

  • Instead of having frequent snacks in-between meals, allow some snacks only during mealtime.

Kids learn from parents and the people around them, by practicing a healthy diet and lifestyle as a family makes it easy for kids to enjoy a healthy diet and develop a healthy lifestyle.

Brushing technique: Make sure your child is brushing their teeth and flossing twice a day for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste. Make this brushing time a family fun routine. Younger kids may need help from parents. If kids do not enjoy brushing and are resistant, parents can brush kids’ teeth and kids can brush parents’ teeth at the same time.

Fluoride: Use toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride is a natural cavity-fighting mineral with amazing benefits for your teeth. Remember rice grain size of fluoride toothpaste for kids under three and pea size for children older than three.

Sealants: When kids have their first molars erupted in their mouth by around age 6, ask your dentist about sealants if your child would need any. Sealants are thin coatings that protect the chewing surface of back permanent molars. Food and plaque can get stuck on these deep pits and grooves of back teeth. Sealants fill and seal the grooves and keep the food and plaque out, so they reduce the risk of getting cavities on permanent teeth.

National Children's Dental Health Month brings together dental health professionals, caregivers, parents, and teachers to give children the best start on oral health. From brushing and flossing to healthy snacks and routine dental visits, using these tips before and after your child’s first dentist appointment can help them care for their teeth well into their adult life.

Our experienced dental team is looking forward to meeting with you and your child to set them up for lifelong healthy dental habits. If it has been a while since your child has seen a dentist for a check-up or if you are looking for family dental care, you can make an appointment to see Dr. Kim or one of our other dental providers at our clinic in Longfellow or our newly opening Cedar-Riverside location. Just call (612) 332-4973 and schedule your visit today!

Victoria Chu Yang Heu